Would you like to find a truly successful Bakersfield reading tutors for your child?

You need the best reading tutor in Bakersfield that has decades of success and experience with all kinds of reading problems … even if your child has learning disabilities!

"We heard about the Door of Hope Learning Center from a friend @ work. Her confidence has sky-rocketed since she started coming to Door of Hope, & always loves coming here!

"We KNEW our child was bright, but neither her teachers, or us, could help her. She needed ANOTHER trainer & our friend recommended Door of Hope". 

"Homeschooling student … 2nd generation Door of Hope student"

"We wasted many THOUSANDS of dollars and HUNDREDS of hours w/ other tutoring programs. It is such a relief to be here @ the Door of Hope!"

Best Reading Tutor in Bakersfield

Help for struggling readers

We are able to create an intervention uniquely designed for each individual. Through one-on-one tutoring we give them the key to unlock their ability to sound out simple words, then more complex, proceeding toward making them a self-correcting and fluent reader.

Our programs

We use programs that are well-recognized in the teaching community. They are: *LiPS* – for sounding out words *Seeing Stars* – for word recognition *Visualizing / Verbalizing* – for comprehension.

Help for poor comprehension

We are able to create an intervention uniquely designed for each individual. Through one-on-one tutoring we give them the key to unlock their ability to sound out simple words, then more complex, proceeding toward making them a self-correcting and fluent reader.

Why You Want to Work With Us...

We specialize in HOPE for learning disabilities. At Door of Hope Learning Center we work to give every person the opportunity to be the best they can be by giving them the priceless gift of reading. When a person learns to read a very large door is opened to them that had previously been slammed shut…a “Door of Hope“! Most of our students are very bright. 

They come to us frustrated and discouraged because they aren’t able to succeed in school the way the other kids around them are. Their parents are baffled because they know their child is smart so they can’t understand why they aren’t performing in school like they should.

After a while, these students developed avoidance behaviors to keep from having to do the things they know they will fail at. If they had not come to us, they may have never reached their true potential. But now they have hope!


Summertime is the BEST time to help them get ready for their next school year.


Call Karen today: 661-364-4680

2601 F St Ste A
Bakersfield, CA 93301

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Bakersfield Reading Tutors

Ways to help your child develop language

Oral language is the foundation for reading. Listening to others talking and trying to imitate what they hear is a child’s first introduction to language. Talking and singing teaches your child the sounds of language. Doing these simple things with them makes it easier for them to learn how to read.

Here are some things you can do to help your child build an appreciation for words and language which will develop their comprehension and help them learn to read:

* Tell family stories about yourself, your child’s grandparents, and other relatives.

* Talk to your child as much as possible about things you are doing and thinking.

* Ask your child lots of questions.

* Encourage your child to tell you what they think or feel.

* Ask your child to tell you about their day – about activities and games played.

* Be patient! Give your child time to find the words they want to use.

* Sing songs, such as the alphabet song, and recite nursery rhymes, encouraging them to join in.

* Play rhyming and riddle games.

* Read to your child as often as possible.

The more we interact verbally with our children, the more their own language will be developed. A good reader is one who loves the activity of communication and imagination.

Bakersfield Reading Tutor

Give your student the gift of a brighter school future!

Watch this 2 minute video with a parent of one of our students...  CLICK HERE

LIMITED SPACE available.. Schedule an appointment to get your student evaluated and to save your place.

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Our Services

We specialize in HOPE for learning disabilities.

At Door of Hope Learning Center we work to give every person the opportunity to be the best they can be by giving them the priceless gift of reading. When a person learns to read a very large door is opened to them that had previously been slammed shut…a “Door of Hope“!

Most of our students are very bright. They come to us frustrated and discouraged because they aren’t able to succeed in school the way the other kids around them are. Their parents are baffled because they know their child is smart so they can’t understand why they aren’t performing in school like they should. After a while, these students developed avoidance behaviors to keep from having to do the things they know they will fail at. If they had not come to us, they may have never reached their true potential.

But now they have hope!

Reading Tutor Bakersfield

Some people seeking information about Reading Tutor in Bakersfield to schedule an evaluation and consultation fall into a common trap. This can lead them to having to spend a lot more money on bigger problems...

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    • Reading Tutor in Bakersfield
    • Bakersfield Reading Tutor
    • Bakersfield Reading Tutors
    • Best Reading Tutor in Bakersfield